
back on track


Wow 2 weeks since I posted last. There are a lot of reason for the lack of posting. First there was nothing to blog about, then laziness, then angst, and oh I don’t know what else. But, well, there are a couple of reasons now why a lot of that is behind me. On Wednesday I went to NYC to finally file for graduation. Well, I had filed before back in spring of 2010 but I wasn’t able to get my 4 incomplete courses finished on time, so the graduation didn’t go through. Last week however, I decided to check my transcript and the last incomplete grade had gone through! Seems that emailing the chair of a professor’s department really helps to get the ball rolling on having grades finalized. Though to be fair to the professor, my handing in of the final paper had been a long time coming. I don’t even know why I was so intimidated by that professor and that course. But I ended up building it up so much in my head, that I was afraid to go to NYC and terrified of Hunter College.

I became even more anxious when I realized that my GPA wasn’t going to get near where I was hoping it would. I had a couple of different options of what I was thinking of doing, none of which I was really excited about. Tuesday I finally broke down and told my mom what was going on expecting her to be upset about the low GPA. Instead she told me that I should just graduate, that she was proud of me for getting my degree and sticking to my guns to get it. My BFF told me I should just graduate, as well, before something else fucked up with it.

Even with that advice, however, when the bus to NYC pulled out at 12am Wednesday I was still shitting it. The trip though ended up not being as trying as I was expecting. I had several good meetings and run ins with former professors, stayed with a very dear family, and was able to file for graduation without a hitch. The whole trip ended up being rather therapeutic.

The meetings with professors were really amazing and reassuring that my choice to just file for graduation was the right one. One of my archaeology professors, who’s finishing his PhD, was really supportive and said that with all the experience I have gained over the year that I should be ok with applying to grad schools. He’s someone I’ve always trusted, in an academic sense, and sought his advice. He’s the closest thing I’ve ever had to an ‘advisor’ and well I hope he’s right. He also said he would try to get me on the team from the university that’s going to Iceland, again this summer, to work at a viking burial site. (*super finger crossing*)

Staying with the family was also super amazing. I got to catch up and reconnect with 2 girls who I consider to be my little sisters. It’s so wonderful to see how much they’ve grown up, though a little disconcerting that the younger of the two is now taller than me… hard to refer to her as ‘the little one’ now. lol

The trip was actually everything that I wanted and needed it to be. I had no problems filing for graduation, though I’m holding off celebrating til I have confirmation that I’ll *actually* get my diploma in January. On my way out of the city the taxi driver unknowingly drove through 2 of my favorite parts of Manhattan, West Village and Lower East Side, and really reminded me why I loved living there for 5 years and made me want to visit more often.

My only regret about the trip is that I didn’t realize that NY Comic Con was this weekend and left on thursday evening. >_< and my dad was even like “are you sure you don’t want to stay for the weekend?” blah very pissed at myself because I missed getting to meet the guys from Rooster Teeth at their first NYCC. grrr stupid me.

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